求助几篇微波工程应用的文章: 本帖最后由 cathywang2006 于 2012-4-19 21:47 编辑
Y. Kusama and O. Hashimoto and M. Makida,Analysis of door seal structure of microwave oven with consideration of higher modes by the FDTD model , Electronicsand Communications in Japan, vol.85(3), pp. 50-57, 2002.
Y. Kusama and O. Hashimoto and M. Makida,Size reduction of the door seal structure of a microwave oven by the FDTDmethod, Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol. 86(10), pp. 73-83, 2003.
Y. Kusama, O. Hashimoto, M. Makida and M.Ohsaki, A study on the door seal structureof a microwave oven using thefinite-difference time-domain method , Microwave and optical technologyletters, vol.19(5), pp. 333-335, 1998.
K. Matsumoto, Y. Kusama, O. Hashimoto andM. Makida, An Analysis of door sealstructure of microwave oven with an inserted sheet-type lossy material using FDTDMethod, Electronics and Communications in Japan, vol.85(9), pp. 13-19, 2002
本帖最后由 disheng12345 于 2012-4-19 12:08 编辑