2011年MTT 学生竞赛获奖作品——封装的三信道频率复用器:The triplexer divide the common port (CP) input spectrum into three channels: 3.4–3.7 GHz, 3.9–4.25 GHz, and 4.45–4.9 GHz,
which are output to port 2, 3, and 4, respectively.The insertion loss between CP and any in-band port less
than 3.5 dB, insertion loss between CP and any port frequencies 15% or more separated from the port’s center frequency
more than 20 dB, return loss for each in-band port better than 15 dB, return loss for CP at 3.3–5 GHz more than 15 dB,
and isolation between output ports 2, 3, and 4 more than 20 dB.