Analogue IC Design—The Current-Mode Approach
Edited by C. Toumazou,
& D.G. Haigh
Peter Peregrinus Ltd. on behalf of the Institution of Electrical Engineers,
London, United Kingdom
© 1990 : Peter Peregrinus Ltd.
Reprinted with minor corrections 1990
Reprinted 1993, 1998
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
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ISBN 0 86341 215 7
Printed in England by Short Run Press Ltd., Exeter
To Ann, Shirley and Gohar
About the Author
Chris Toumazou is at Imperial college of science, Technology and medicine, London, UK, in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, where he is working on novel analogue circuit design. Some of his
most notable reserach includes work on high-speed GaAs ICs, automated CAD for analogue circuits and
current-mode analogue signal processing. He is a member of the organising committee of the IEE
Professional Group covering circuit Theory and Design. He is also a member of the IEEE Circuits and
systems society Technical committee on Analog signal Processing.
John Lidgey is at Oxford polytechnic in the School of Engineering, where he is working on analogue
circuit and system design. He is well known for his contribution in the area of current-mode analogue
signal processing. He is active in electronics design consultancy and co-presenter with chris Toumazou
of a successful industrial short course on analogue circuit design. He is chairman of the Thames valley
specialist section of the IEE on Electronics, Computing, Communications and control.
David Haigh is at University college, London, UK, in the department of Electronics and Electrical
engineering where he is working on analogue integrated circuit design with particular interest in switched
capacitor filters and use of gallium arsenide technology. He is the Honorary Editor of the IEE Proceedings
Part G, circuits, Devices and systems, and series Editor for the IEE circuits and Systems Series of books.
The typesetting was carried-out by ourselves using material supplied by the authors on computer discs.
We would like to thank Professor Bob Spence of Imperial College for allowing use of computer facilities
and Costas Makris for converting the received data to a common format and for being our "computer
expert". Ann Toumazou provided stirling service in typing hundreds of equations and tables which were
resistant to electronic conversion and also carried-out much careful proof-reading. For these vital
contributions we are most grateful. Wiesia Hsissen at Imperial College provided helpful secretarial
support. We would like to thank Peter Peregrinus for their co-operation and for allowing a very quick
printing schedule.
Finally, we thank our families for their tolerance, understanding and support.
The Editors