波长介于微波与红外之间的太赫兹频段,随着科技进步而终于有望得到利用,使用前景广阔。 据美国物理学家组织网6月30日(北京时间)报道,美国科研人员开发出了首个集成太赫兹(THz)固态收发器,新设备比目前使用的太赫兹波设备更小,功能更强大。相关研究成果发表在最新一期的《自然·光子学》杂志上。
Monolithically integrated solid-state terahertz transceivers
Michael C. Wanke
1, Erik W. Young
3, Christopher D. Nordquist
1, Michael J. Cich
1, Albert D. Grine
2, Charles T. Fuller
1, John L. Reno
1 & Mark Lee
Recent advances in microfabricated terahertz quantum cascade lasers have achieved coherent power and frequency performance previously possible only with much larger gas- or vacuum-tube sources. A significant advantage offered by terahertz quantum cascade lasers lies in the potential to integrate them with other components on the same chip. Such terahertz photonic integrated circuits would help close the terahertz technology gap between microwave electronics and infrared photonics. Here, we describe the first successful monolithic integration of a terahertz quantum cascade laser and diode mixer to form a simple but generically useful terahertz photonic integrated circuit—a microelectronic terahertz transceiver. We show that this terahertz photonic integrated circuit performs all the basic functions (for example, transmission of a coherent carrier, heterodyne reception of an external signal, frequency locking and tuning) of discrete-component terahertz photonic systems, but at a small fraction of the size and in a robust platform scalable to semiconductor fabrication production.