Establishing the Minimum Reverse Bias for a p-i-n Diode in a High-Power Switch
Abstract -An important circuit design parameter in a high-power
p-i-n diode application is the selection of an appropriate applied dc
reverse bias voltage. Until now, this important circuit parameter has
been chosen either conservatively, using the magnitude of the peak RF
voltage, or by empirical trials to determine a possible lower value. This
paper explores the reverse bias requirement for a p-i-n diode operating
in a high-power RF and microwave environment. It demonstrates that
the minimum reverse bias voltage is equivalent to the p-i-n diode's
self-generated dc voltage under similar RF conditions. A concise expres-
sion for this self-generated voltage is developed and experimentally
verified and will assist the design engineer in more accurately selecting
an appropriate minimum value for the applied reverse bias voltage
楼主辛苦:11bb :11bb
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谢谢楼主的分享了哦:11bb :11bb
权限不够啊,啥时候才能升级啊?、、、:4de :4de