Photonic Crystals:
Molding the Flow of Light
second editionJohn D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Joshua N. Winn, and Robert D. MeadePublished in 2008
by Princeton University Press, this is the second edition of our undergraduate-level textbook on
photonic crystals: electromagnetism in periodic (or partially periodic) geometries on the scale of the wavelength of light. The
table of contents and
back-cover description for the second edition can be found on the publisher's web site. Compared to the first edition (published in 1995), the new edition is greatly revised and expanded—it is at least twice the length of the original (going from 184 pages to 304 pages, and from 6×9-inch format to 7×10 inches), including several new chapters and substantial improvements in every pre-existing chapter.
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