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2010-11-17 15:22:50
本帖最后由 kerbcurb 于 2010-11-23 19:48 编辑
% Purpose:
%Solution of the heat conduction in a thick cyliner with FEM.
% Calling special functions:
%drawFEM.m for drawing finite element mesh
%cgauss.m for the solution of the system of linear equations.
% Author: Yansheng Jiang
% May 20. 2007
Cdiv = 4% input( 'number of divisions in the circunferencial direction =' ).
Tdiv = 2%input ( 'number of divisions in the thickness direction = ' ):
a = 100.0; %Inner radius, mm
b = 200.0; %Outer radius, mm
NumeroDeElementos = Cdiv * Tdiv;
NumeroDeNos = ( Cdiv )*( Tdiv + 1);
% Coordonnedades
X = zeros( NumeroDeNos, 1 );
Y = zeros( NumeroDeNos, 1 );
dalpha = 2 * pi / Cdiv;
dT = ( b - a ) / Tdiv;
delta_n = Tdiv + 1;
m = delta_n * ( Cdiv - 1 );
for i = 1:Tdiv + 1
r = a + ( i - 1 ) * dT;
n1 = 1;
nfin = m + n1;
X( n1:delta_n:nfin ) = r * cos(0:dalpha:2 * pi - dalpha );
Y( n1:delta_n:nfin ) = r * sin(0:dalpha:2 * pi - dalpha);
% Connectividade de elementos
ICO = zeros(NumeroDeElementos, 4);
for i = 1:Tdiv
ne1 = ( i - 1 ) * Cdiv + 1;
n1 = 1;
n2 = n1 + 1;
n3 = n2 + delta_n;
n4 = n3 - 1;
ICO ( ne1, 1:4 ) = [n1 n2 n3 n4];
ne = ne1;
for j = 2:Cdiv - 1
ne = ne + 1;
ICO( ne, 1:4 ) =ICO( ne - 1, 1:4 ) + delta_n;
nefin = ne + 1;
ICO( nefin, 1:2 ) = [ICO( ne, 4 ) ICO( ne, 3 )];
ICO( nefin, 3:4 ) = [n2 n1];
%Draw finite element mesh
%drawFEM( NumeroDeElementos, [X Y], ICO );
%Material data
kconx =1; % Coefficient of heat conduction in direction x
kcony = kconx; % Coefficient of heat conduction in direction y
%lnicializar a matriz de rigidez global e Tersa independent
TotalDof = NumeroDeNos;
K = zeros ( TotalDof, TotalDof );
F = zeros ( TotalDof, 1 );
%fundoes de interpolacao
syms ksi eta;
%n4 o o n3
%--> ksi
%n1 n2
psi = 0.25 * [( 1 - ksi ) * ( 1 - eta ) ( 1 + ksi ) * ( 1 - eta ) ( 1 + ksi ) * ( 1 + eta ) ( 1 - ksi ) * ( 1 + eta )];
%derivatives of shape functions with reference to natural coordinates
num_nodes_per_elem = 4;
num_gausspoints_per_elem = 4;
dpsidksi = diff ( psi, ksi );
dpsideta = diff ( psi, eta );
GaussPointCor = 0.677350269189626;
GaussWeight= 1;
GaussPoints = [ -GaussPointCor, -GaussPointCor
GaussPointCor, -GaussPointCor
GaussPointCor, GaussPointCor
-GaussPointCor, GaussPointCor];
dpsidksi_num = zeros( num_gausspoints_per_elem, num_nodes_per_elem );
dpsideta_num = zeros( num_gausspoints_per_elem, num_nodes_per_elem );
for i = 1:num_gausspoints_per_elem
dpsidksi_num( i, : ) = double ( subs ( dpsidksi, { ksi, eta }, { GaussPoints( i, 1 ), GaussPoints( i, 2 ) } ) );
dpsideta_num( i, : ) = double ( subs ( dpsideta, { ksi, eta }, { GaussPoints( i, 1 ), GaussPoints( i, 2 ) } ) );
for elemento = 1:NumeroDeElementos
% numeros globais dos nos do elemento
Nos =ICO( elemento, : );
xe = X(Nos);
ye = Y(Nos);
Kelem = zeros( num_nodes_per_elem, num_nodes_per_elem );
for igauss = 1:num_gausspoints_per_elem
J = [dpsidksi_num( igauss, : ) * xe dpsidksi_num( igauss, : ) * ye
dpsideta_num( igauss, : ) * xe dpsideta_num( igauss, : ) * ye ];
invj = inv( J );
%Derivatives of shape function with reference to global coordinates
dpsidx = invj( 1, : ) * [dpsidksi_num( igauss, : )
dpsideta_num( igauss, : ) ];
dpsidy = invj( 2, : ) * [dpsidksi_num( igauss, : )
dpsideta_num( igauss, : ) ];
detJ = det( J );
Kelem = Kelem + ( kconx * dpsidx' * dpsidx + kcony * dpsidy' * dpsidy ) * detJ * GaussWeight;
% Assemblage to the global stiffness matrix
K( Nos, Nos ) = K( Nos, Nos ) + Kelem;
clear J invj detJ xe ye Kelem;
% Apply essential boundary conditions using Reddy's algorithm, p. 173
% boudary conditions: temperature at the inner surface of cylinder =rc.
Tin = 1;
% normal thermal flux dT/dn = 0 at the outer surface.
% nodes on the inner surface where temperature Tin is applied,
ebcdof = [1:delta_n:m + 1];
for i = 1:length( ebcdof )
F = F - K( :, ebcdof( i ) ) * Tin;
F( ebcdof ) = Tin;
K( ebcdof, : ) = 0;
K( :, ebcdof ) = 0;
for i = 1:length( ebcdof )
K( ebcdof( i ), ebcdof( i ) ) = 1;
% Solution for nodal temperature
%x = egauss ( K, F ) ;
x =K \ F;